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  • Serafini VN; Coda JA; Contreras F; Conroy M; Gomez MD; Priotto JW. 2019. The landscape complexity relevance to farming effect assessment on small mammal occupancy in Argentinian farmlands. Oecologia. Ver

  • Gomez MD; Coda JA; Priotto JW. 2019. Agricultura orgánica y biodiversidad. Ciencia Hoy, 28.

  • Serafini VN; Priotto JW; Gomez MD. 2019. Effects of agroecosystem landscape complexity on small mammals:  a multi-species approach at different spatial scales. Landscape Ecology,  34, 1117 - 1129.

  • Belgiu M; Andreo V; Brito Hoyos D; Osei F; Provensal MC; Stein A. 2019. Rodents and satellites:  Predicting mice abundance and distribution with Sentinel-2 data. Ecological Informatics 51:  157-167.

  • Bonatto F; Priotto JW; Steinmann AR. 2019. Aggressive behavior of pregnant females of Akodon azarae:  A strategy to reduce infanticide risk of their youngs next to be born? Mastozoología Neotropical, 25:  255-262

  • Juan E; Levis S; Pini N; Polop JJ; Steinmann AR; Provensal MC. 2019. Mechanisms of hantavirus transmission in Oligoryzomys longicaudatus. EcoHealth https: //

  • Muratore MN; de la Reta,M; Oggero A; Perna S; Polop JJ; Provensal MC. 2019. Microhabitat use by sigmodontinae rodents in crop –field borders of pampean agroecosystems. Mastozoología Neotropical, 26(1): 183-189.

  • Ortiz N; Juan E; Chiappero M; Gardenal CN; Provensal MC; Polop JJ; Gonzalez Ittig R. 2019. Microgeographic genetic structure of Oligoryzomys longicaudatus (Rodentia, Cricetidae) in periods of different population density. Journal of Mammalogy, 100(6): 1992–2001.

  • Vera NS; Chiappero MB; Priotto JW; Sommaro LV; Steinmann AR; Gardenal CN. 2019. Genetic structure of populations of the Pampean grassland mouse, Akodon azarae, in an agroecosystem under intensive management. Mammalian Biology, 98: 52-60.

  • Gomez MD; Goijman AP; Coda JA; Serafini VN; Priotto JW. 2018. Small mammal responses to farming practices in central Argentinian agroecosystems:  the use of hierarchical occupancy models. Austral Ecology.

  • Chiappero MB; Piacenza MF; Provensal MC; Calderón GE; Gardenal CN; Polop JJ. 2018. Effective population size differences in Calomys musculinus, the reservoir of Junin virus, and its relationship with the epidemiological history of Argentine hemorrhagic fever. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 99(2): 445-450. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.17-0838.

  • de la Reta MJ; Rizo P; Muratore MN; Perna SB; Polop,JJ; Provensal MC. 2018. Abundancia de perros en situación de calle y su relación con factores ambientales en el área urbana de Río Cuarto. Revista Veterinaria-Universidad del Nordeste, 29(2): 113-118. http: //

  • Piacenza MF; Calderón GE; Enría D; Provensal MC; Polop JJ. 2018. Diferencia espacial de la incidencia de Fiebre Hemorrágica Argentina, abundancia de su hospedador Calomys musculinus y el ensamble de roedores. Revista Chilena de Infectología, 35(4):  386-394.

  • Priotto JW. 2017. Impacto de actividades productivas sobre la diversidad, distribución y abundancia de mamíferos en Argentina. Mastozoología Neotropical, 24:  273-275.

  • Coda JA; Martínez JJ; Steinmann AR; Priotto JW; Gomez MD. 2017. Fluctuating asymmetry as an indicator of environmental stress in small mammals. Mastozoología Neotropical, 24:  313-321.

  • Bonatto F; Priotto JW; Coda JA; Steinmann AR. 2017. Female intrasexual territoriality and its potential adaptive significance:  the Pampean grassland mouse as an ecological model species. Ethology, 123:  230-241.

  • Juan E; Provensal MC; Steinmann AR. 2017. Space use and social mating system of Oligoryzomys longicaudatus, a Hantavirus host. EcoHealth,  .https: //

  • Lessa E; Marroig G; Priotto JW. 2017. The present and future of Mastozoología Neotropical. Mastozoología Neotropical, 24:  5-8.

  • Polop F; Levis S; Pini N; Enría D; Polop JJ; Provensal MC. 2017. Factors associated with Hantavirus infection in a wild host rodent from Cholila, Chubut Province, Argentina. Mammalian Biology, https: //

  • Coda JA; Gomez MD; Martínez JJ; Steinmann A; Priotto JW. 2016. The use of fluctuating asymmetry as a measure of farming practice effects in rodents:  A species-specific response. Ecological Indicators, 70:  269-275.

  • Contreras F; Escudero HJ; Bonatto F; Priotto JW; Steinmann AR. Jerarquía de dominancia y elección de machos por parte de hembras en Akodon azarae (cricetidae:  sigmodontinae):  Un estudio experimental. Mastozoología Neotropical, (2016):  .

  • Gomez MD; Serafini VN; Coda JA; Priotto JW. 2016. Demographic dynamics of Akodon azarae (Cricetidae:  Sigmodontinae) in linear habitats of agricultural landscapes of central Argentina". Studies on neotropical fauna and enviroment, :  .

  • Andino N; Nordenstahl M; Fornés M; Priotto JW; Giannoni S. 2016. Precipitation drives reproductive activity in male Microcavia australis in the monte desert. Mastozoología Neotropical, 23:  17-24.

  • Avila AB; Bonatto F; Priotto JW; Steinmann AR. 2016. Effects of high density on spacing behaviour and reproduction in Akodon azarae:  a fencing experiment. Acta Oecologica - International Journal of Ecology, 70:  67-73.

  • Chiappero M; Sommaro L; Priotto JW; Wiernes M; Steinmann AR; Gardenal C. 2016.  Spatio-temporal genetic structure of the rodent Calomys venustus in linear, fragmented habitats. Journal of Mammalogy, 97:  424-435.

  • Ortiz N; Polop FJ; Andreo VC; Provensal MC; Polop JJ; Gardenal CN; González-Ittig RE. 2018. Genetic population structure of the long-tailed pygmy rice rat (Rodentia, Cricetidae) at different geographic scales in the Argentinean Patagonia. Journal of Zoology, DOI:  10.1111/jzo.12410.

  • Polop FJ; Polop JJ; Provensal MC. 2016. Parámetros poblacionales de Oligoryzomys longicaudatus en cholila (Chubut, Argentina). Mastozoología Neotropical, 23: 117-126

  • Coda JA; Gomez MD; Steinmann AR; Priotto JW. 2015. Small mammals in farmlands of Argentina:  Responses to organic and conventional farming. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 211:  17-23.

  • Gomez MD; Coda JA; Simone I; Martínez JJ; Bonatto F; Steinmann AR; Priotto JW. 2015. Agricultural land-use intensity and its effects on small mammals in the central region of Argentina. Mammal Research, :  .

  • Bonatto F; Steinmann AR; Gomez MD; Priotto JW. 2015. Do polygynous males of Akodon azarae (Rodentia:  Sigmodontinae) vary their mating tactics at low availability of females?. Mammalia, 79(168)):  .

  • González-Ittig RE; Polop FJ; Andreo V; Provensal MC; Polop JJ; Gardenal CN. 2015. Temporal fine-scale genetic variation in the zoonosis-carrying long tailed pygmy rice rat in Patagonia, Argentina:  its relationship with high levels of migration. Journal of Zoology,  216-225.

  • Polop FJ; Sepúlveda L; Pelliza Sbriller A; Polop JJ; Provensal MC. 2015. Estructura de la dieta de roedores sigmodontinos en arbustales del ecotono bosque-estepa del suroeste de Argentina. Mastozoología Neotropical, 22: 85-95

  • Sommaro L; Chiappero M; Vera N; Coda JA; Priotto JW; Steinmann AR. 2015. Multiple paternity in a wild population of the corn mouse:  its potential adaptive significance for females. Journal of Mammalogy, 96:  908-917.

  • Coda JA; Gomez MD; Steinmann AR; Priotto JW. 2014. The effects of agricultural management on the reproductive activity of female rodents in Argentina. Basic and applied Ecology, 15(5): 407-415.

  • Martínez JJ; Millen V; Simone I; Priotto JW. 2014. Ecological preference between generalist and specialist rodents:  spatial and environmental correlates of phenotypic variation. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 112: 180-203.

  • Andreo V; Neteler M; Rocchini D; Provensal C; Levis S; Porcasi X; Rizzoli A; Lanfri M; Scavuzzo M; Pini N; Enria D; Polop, JJ. 2014. Estimating Hantavirus Risk in Southern Argentina:  A GIS-Based Approach Combining Human Cases and Host Distribution. Viruses 6, 201-222. doi:  10.3390/v6010201.

  • Escudero P; Simone I; Polop JJ; Provensal MC. 2014. Environmental variables and reproductive activity in small rodents of pampean agroecosystems. Mammalia. 78(1): 23-33. DOI 10: 1515/mammalia-2012-0114.

  • Polop F; Juan E; Polop J; Provensal MC. 2014. Spatial and temporal variation of terrestrial rodent assemblages in Cholila, Chubut Province, Argentina. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 49(2): 151-157. DOI:  10.1080/01650521.2014.947075.

  • Polop F; Sepúlveda L; Pelliza Sbriller A; Polop J; Provensal MC. 2014. Food strategies of Oligoryzomys longicaudatus in a steppe-rainforest transitional zone of Argentina. Ecología Austral, 24: 304-310.

  • Bonatto F; Coda JA; Gomez MD; Priotto JW; Steinmann AR. 2013. Inter-male aggression with regard to polygynous mating system in Pampean grassland mouse, Akodon azarae (Cricetidae:  Sigmodontinae). Journal of Ethology, 2-11.

  • Bonatto F; Coda JA; Priotto JW; Steinmann AR. 2013. Inter-female territorial behavior in pampean grassland mouse, Akodon azarae (Cricetidae:  Sigmodontinae). Mastozoología Neotropical, 20(2):  367-372.

  • Gelin ML; Gomez MD; Priotto JW. 2013. Demographic responses of Akodon azarae (Rodentia:  Cricetidae) enclosed populations to Rogenhofera bonaeriensis bot fly parasitism".  Mastozoología Neotropical, 20(2): 387-392.

  • Gomez MD; Steinmann AR; Priotto JW. 2012. Demographic response to the manipulation of adult females in corn mouse populations". Ecología Austral,  22: 121-128.

  • Andreo V; Provensal C; Levis S; Pini N; Enría D; Polop JJ. 2012. Summer-autumn distribution and abundance of the hantavirus host, Oligoryzomys longicaudatus, in Northwestern Chubut, Argentina. Journal of Mammalogy 93(6): 1559-1568.

  • Bonatto F; Gomez MD; Steinmann AR; Priotto JW. 2012. Mating strategies of Pampean mouse males. Animal Biology, 62: 381-396.

  • Polop F; Provensal MC; Priotto JW Steinmann AR; Polop J. 2012. Differential effects of climate, environment, and land use on two sympatric species of Akodon. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment, 47: 147-156.

  • Musso V; Provensal MC; Priotto JW; Andreo V; Siimone I; Piacenza MF; Polop F; Polop JJ; Romero E; Scavuzzo M; Oglietti M. 2011. Software development for the use of space information in spatial and temporal  simulation of rodent population dynamics. Acta Biologica Venezuelica, 31(2): 23-26.

  • Simone I; Provensal MC; Polop JJ. 2012. Habitat use by corn mice (Calomys musculinus) in crop-field borders of agricultural ecosystems in Argentina. Wildlife Research, 39(2): 112-122.

  • Coda JA; Priotto JW; Steinmann AR. 2011. Behavioral counter-strategies against infanticide in corn mouse females, Calomys musculinus. Mastozoología Neotropical, 18(2): 1-215.

  • Gomez MD; Sommaro L; Steinmann AR; Chiappero M; Priotto JW. 2011. Movement distances of two species of sympatric rodents in linear habitats of Central Argentine agro-ecosystems. Mammalian Biology, 76: 58-63.

  • Steinmann AR; Priotto JW. 2011. Inter-male aggression in relation to female availability and residence status in corn mice Calomys musculinus. Acta Theriologica, 56:  81-89.

  • Steinmann AR; Priotto JW. 2011. El ratón maicero y su comportamiento. Ciencia Hoy, 53 - 59.

  • Andreo V; Glass G; Shields T; Provensal MC; Polop JJ. 2011. Modeling potential distribution of Oligoryzomys longicaudatus, the Andes virus reservoir, in Argentina. EcoHealth, 8(3): 332-348. DOI 10.1007/s10393-011-0719-5.

  • Vera N; Chiappero M; Priotto JW; Gardenal NC. 2011. Isolation of microsatellite loci in Akodon azarae (Muridae, Sigmodontinae) and cross-amplification in other Akodontini species. Journal of Genetics, 90: 25-29.

  • Polop F; Provensal MC; Pinni N; Levis S; Priotto JW; Enría D; Calderón G; Costa F; Polop J. 2010. Temporal and spatial host abundance and prevalence of Andes hantavirus in Southern Argentina. Ecohealth, 7: 176-184.

  • Priotto JW; Gomez MD Daniela; Polop J. 2010. A demographic analysis of population responses to the manipulation of adult males in Calomys venustus (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae)". Ecological Research, 1-9.

  • Simone I; Cagnacci F; Provensal MC; Polop JJ. 2010. Environmental determinants of a small rodent assemblage in an agroecosystem of central Argentina:  The role of Calomys musculinus. 2010. Mammalian Biology, 75: 496-509.

  • Sommaro L; Gomez MD; Bonatto F; Steinmann AR; Chiappero M; Priotto JW. 2010. Corn mice (Calomys musculinus) movement in linear habitats of agricultural ecosystems. Journal of Mammalogy, 91: 668-673.

  • Sommaro L; Steinmann AR; Chiappero M; Priotto JW. 2010. Effect of high density on the short term Calomys musculinus spacing behaviour:  a fencing experiment". Acta Oecologica - International Journal of Ecology, 36:  343-348.

Libros - Capítulos

  • Serafini, VN, Contreras, F, Coda, JA. 2019. ¿Qué onda con la biodiversidad? Descubriendo nuestra fauna nativa.

  • En “Comunicación pública de la ciencia ¿Cómo lo hacemos nosotros y cómo lo hacen otros?”. Ed. Fernanda
    Melgar, Analía Chiecher, Paola Paoloni y Juan Francisco Defendi. Unirio editora. ISBN 978-987-688-335-1

  • Polop J; Priotto JW; Steinmann AR; Provensal MC; Castillo E; Calderón G; Enría D; Sabattini M; Coto H. 2003. Manual de control de roedores en municipios. Mundo Sano:  Buenos Aires. 96 p. ISBN: 987-20421-3-6.

  • Steinmann AR; Castillo E; Provensal MC; Priotto JW; Polop J. 2000. Roedores en la ciudad:  ¿fuente de problema?. Río Cuarto, Córdoba:  Fundación Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. 72 p. ISBN: 987-9482-00-X.

  • Provensal MC; Castro SM; Steinmann AR; Boscatto LS; Konic PM; Peparelli ES; Bertolotti SG; Zingaretti LE; Orlando SA; Lecumberry GR; Quintero TC. Acercándonos a las Ciencias Naturales y Exactas. 1999. Módulo a Distancia para alumnos que ingresan a las carreras que dicta la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físico- Químicas y Naturales. Resolución (C/D) N° 283/99. ISBN 950-665-133-7. 

  • Provensal MC. 2010. Crecimiento, desarrollo y determinación de edad. En:  Biología y ecología de pequeños roedores de la región pampeana de Argentina: enfoques y perspectivas. Compilado por Jaime Polop y María Busch. 1a ed.-Córdoba: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. 332 p. ISBN 978-950-33-0765-6

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