Introduction to geographic information systems and remote sensing
Coordination: Dra. Evangelina Natale (Orientation of vascular plants, Department of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Cs. Exactas, Fsco-Qcas y Naturales, UNRC)
Teaching Team: Dr. Carlos De Angelo, Lic. Gonzalo Martínez, Lic. Marina de la Reta
That the students know about geographic information systems and their different applications
That students have access to and become familiar with specific software (Google Earth, Diva-GIS, Q-GIS, among others), and spatial databases (Bioclim, Gbif, Earth Explorer, etc.).
That students acquire basic knowledge about remote sensing and its link in GIS.
That students acquire basic skills in handling GPS and geographic data taken in the field
That students learn about the application of GIS in solving environmental problems in general and conservation of natural resources in particular