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Carlos De Angelo

Dr. in Biological Sciences

Graduate in Biological Sciences from the National University of Río Cuarto, and Doctor from the University of Buenos Aires, where I studied the effects of the fragmentation and history of landscape use on the distribution and population structure of the puma (Puma concolor) and the yaguareté ( Panthera onca) in the Atlantic Forest of Alto Paraná ( download thesis ). Founding member of the CeIBA Civil Association , and currently Adjunct Researcher of CONICET at the Institute of Earth Sciences, Biodiversity and Environment (UNRC-CONICET).


My main interest lies in understanding the natural and anthropic factors that determine the distribution of large vertebrates on a landscape scale, and in using this knowledge for their management and conservation. Specializing in the use of GIS and spatial analysis, I apply this knowledge in the research and conservation of the jaguar within the framework of the Yaguareté Project , and in the study of other vertebrates in the Province of Misiones and in the Esteros del Iberá (Corrientes), Argentina .





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